We are inevitable. Even though Q thought by dusting J in our last episode he could move forward and take over the world, he was sorely mistaken. Not only does J return to talk Avengers: Endgame with Q, he brings along the rest of the Fivengers, Amanda and Haley, to do battle in the biggest review episode we’ve had yet! Join us as we figure out time travel, talk the hunkiest Avengers, and finally decide who’s a bigger douche: Captain America or Superman.

A special movie calls for a special High Five: The Podcast. J even records the whole episode live from the Quantum Realm! Don’t miss Haley and Amanda talking Captain Marvel while Q and J plot world domination and t-shirt designs. It’s a veritable buffet of podcast awesomeness. Some might say we’re pandering to the audience, but our listeners are too smart, funny, rich, and have too good of taste to allow for that.

marvel thor wink

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