We’ve seen it all before, and again……and again again. In this episode that demands repeat listens, J & Q are counting down their Top 5 Rewatchable TV Shows. You know the ones. These are the shows you always come back to, like chocolate cake or your very embarrassing past, you freak! Like sand through an hourglass, so are the TV shows on our lists (and, no, Days of Our Lives isn’t on there). What shows do you put on in the background when you’ve had a bad day? Which shows are always funny no matter how many times you’ve watched them? Those are the shows that we’re focused on this go-round, but our answers are the right ones.

After the lists, Q & J test their knowledge of the most popular shows by partaking in a game of “Who’s Quote Is It Anyway?” to find out who the true master of repeated TV really is. Once a victor has been crowned, blood is spilled and cupcakes are shared with the commonfolk. You definitely don’t want to listen to this one only once, because just like Pringles, once you pop these shows, you just can’t stop. Forever, and ever. Amen.

Most Rewatchable TV Shows