With the release of Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, Quentin Tarantino’s 9th (and possibly penultimate) film, J and Q wanted to talk Tarantino, but everyone does that. We, instead, decided to dive into the heart of what gives Tarantino movies their soul: the music! Whether its the classic rock of Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs, the funky heart of Jackie Brown, the cultural mashups in Django Unchained, or the perfect use of David Bowie in Inglorious Basterds, you can’t get away from music in Tarantino films, and by the end of this episode, you won’t be able to get away from the definitive Top 5 Tarantino Movie Soundtracks either.
The episode begins where all great Tarantino discussions start, an in-depth opinion retrospective on Jon Favreau’s The Lion King! From there, we dive into our hopes and fears for Once Upon a Time…, and then go through the music that has made lasting impressions on us from Tarantino movies. Which body parts to you envision cutting off while Steelers Wheel sings about being stuck in the middle? You’ll definitely hear our answers to that when you listen!
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