Rise and shine, campers! It’s another beea-utiful day at Camp Donchawananooky and your counselors, Q & J, have a lot of fun activities planned for you. First, they have “Topless 5,” where they count down their Top 5 Summer Camp movies of all time, while not wearing shirts! Relive summer romances, epic pranks, and animals wearing parachutes to get you in that good time mood. Your…

High Five: The Podcast is a movie podcast for people who like other stuff too. Seems pretty simple, and it is.
What are the top 5 best horror movies of all time? What about the top 5 best video game adaptations? Do you know what the top 5 movies featuring anthropomorphized animals are? You will after becoming a devoted listener to High Five: The Podcast!
So yeah, listen now and stuff…….that’s it……..go away.