No matter if you’re starting a company with your college yuppie friends, or trying to stop mankind from slaughtering your people for their mutant powers, friendships are hard. In the happiest of movies, friendships endure, but some of the most compelling stories are actually about friendships falling apart. J, Mia, and Q climb aboard their friend-ship and hit the acquaintan-Seas to identify the Top 5…
From the web-slinging streets of Marvel New York City, through dimensional portals to the streets of DC’s Gotham, Central City, and Metropolis, the gang is breaking bad and spending time with the worst of the DC rogues galleries. Once we’re through, we’ll know which Top 5 DC Villains Need Their Own Movie! Along the way, Mia will make some enemies, J will experience a horrendous origin event,…
Spider-Men, Spider-Women, doing whatever Spider-People can! The multiverses are colliding and Mia, J, and Q are donning their spandex and joining the spider-ranks, so team up with Spider-Gwen (Mia), Miles Morales (Q), and Spider-Ham (J) as they merge animation styles and movie tastes to talk about the Top 5 Spider-Man Movies of all time! The entire rogues’ gallery is coming out to stop us, but…